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Gabriel Mendoza
Gabriel Mendoza

Freeware Lotto Wheeling Software Piracy

What's it all about: Have you ever tried a free searchengine to locate words like: lottery, lotto, lotteries and found thousandsof listings? Even advanced searches for: lottery wheeling systems, lotteryresults, winning numbers, free lotto games, lottery software, returnhundreds of listings each. One of the reasons this occurs, many of theseweb sites are listed dozens of times and often their individual pages arelisted as web sites as well.

Freeware Lotto Wheeling Software Piracy

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What's Lotto-Logix doing about it: We're trying to limitour list to one or two links per site. We're trying to group sites underwhat they do best, ie: results, software, information. We try to give youan idea what you will find there, ie: articles, news, tips, statistics,books, freeware, shareware, software, programs, predictions,wheels, wheeling systems, etc.

What about that lotto software: Some people don't believein lottery software at all. We believe the commercial quality productdoes 90% of what it is supposed to, ie: Store, chart and track winningnumbers. Predictions, that's another story, but still useful todetermine where in their predicted (or what ever other term they choose touse) distribution of numbers, the winning numbers come from most often.Lottery software that lets you import your own wheels and wheel up to allthe numbers in your Cash 3, Pick 5 or Pick 6 game can be very useful, those that also allow you to filter those combinations, extremely useful.

Wheeling systems do have some value for lottery players, not in some hyped up "beat the lottery" way, but in terms of providing a steadier stream of wins compared to playing a randomly chosen selection of the same number of tickets. Getting some smaller wins while waiting for a larger one seems to be an attractive option for syndicates.[3] Lottery systems are often mis-sold as a part of various lottery strategy related products, usually bundled with lottery prediction software, and various other "tools" which are supposedly "improving the odds", "guaranteeing profits", etc., generally, the type of get-rich-quick-schemes. These are often based on some mathematically incorrect assumptions and claims, like the Gambler's Fallacy or on plain misunderstanding or misrepresentation of important probability facts. A fairly exhaustive list of such products and honest reviews and criticism about each of them is compiled at.[4] Another list, which includes only books, can be found at.[5] Most of the available lotto strategies books can be found at, on search for lottery systems (or lottery wheeling).[6][7]

Does using lottery software guarantee a win?No, there is nothing that could guarantee a win when playing the lottery. The idea of using lotto software is to improve your winning odds.

In 2000 you posted your (quoting you) "optimized" 416-line wheel for whichyou claimed "3 times as many 5-number wins" as any other 416 lines in a 6/49game.Several people asked you for your proof in real games, using real gamehistories. You stated that you did not use game histories, and that theproof was in the internal matching inside your 416 lines.In reply, it was given to you that the total matching remains the same inany set of 416 lines: i.e. the duplicates compensate for the holes, andthat fact has been established for years. You ignored that information.Finally Robert Perkis asked you to substantiate your claim with some proof.Your only response to Robert was to call him a (quoting you) "old, stinkingsucker".That was when I joined the conversation.- - -I gave you a set of 416 lines generated as follows: ... take every combination at the multiple of index (13,983,816/416).Simple as that.Not a "CDEX49 wheel" as you persisted in calling it then, and still do.They were simply 416 combinations, pure and simple. Equally spacedthroughout the 13,983,816.- - -I even suggested a way for you to reproduce those 416 lines. I did it soyou would see how unbiased it is, and also how unrelated it is to anybody orto any software.You need a Capuchin monk, a scroll of parchment, a quill pen and ink, anelectric drill and a 1/4-inch drill bit. The process is: ... Have the Capuchin monk write down all 13,983,816 combinations on theparchment, one line at a time, equally spaced. ... Fold the parchment so that exactly 416 pages are made. ... Take the electric drill, and drill a hole down through the stack of416 pages. ... Open the pages, and play the combination alongside the hole on eachpage. ... You will now have 416 combinations.Simple as that.Nothing could be fairer to you for comparing against your "optimized" 416combinations.- - -Next:I used real games.I compared your "optimized" 416 lines against those plain old 416 lines,using real games.I used the complete databases of sixteen (16) public 6/49 Lotto games inCanada, France, Germany, Israel, Spain, UK, and USA.Those tests encompassed a total of 15,114 draws, covering the entirehistories of those 16 games.Prizes were matched at the 3-, 4-, 5-, and 6-number levels.6-number matches were ignored, as they would have skewed the data. ... anyway, your "optimized" lines did not score any 6-number matches. ... the basic lines did score one (1) 6-number match, and it wasignored.I gave you a detailed report, with all of the data.Nothing could have been fairer to you.You ignored that report then, and you ignore it now.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Summary:The difference between your "optimized" 416 lines and that plain set of 416lines was: ... The difference in total prizes matched: 0.696 percent. ... The difference in total prize money won: 0.467 percent.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Folks who are interested in reading the detailed results can find them inthe following RGL article: From: "CDEX" Subject: 416-line Wheel: Wrap-Up Date: 2000/07/04 Message-ID: NNTP-Posting-Date: Mon, 03 Jul 2000 23:37:58 EDT Newsgroups: rec.gambling.lottery= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =Ion:Subsequent to the above report you concluded that Robert Perkis and I arethe same person. That was much in the same way as you currently concludethat several other people are one and the same person.You could easily have just presented your current wheels today, on their ownmerit. There was no need to revert to your schizoid nonsense from nearlythree years ago. ... I don't care which of your split personas you light upon for postingyour material. ... However if you choose to drop my name personally into one of yourposts, try to choose one of your more honest personas if possible.Good luck with your current wheeling. I suggest you try to present systemson their own merits, posting your technical criteria, and avoid trying tosimulate other people.Joe RobertsCDEX

You worry me now. Please stay away from that electrical drill. Don'tpunch holes in that monkey quilt! Use instead my freewareCOMBINATIONS.EXE to generate combinations in steps. CDEX.49 (itdeserves to bear your name) is a lotto 6/49 generation with a stepequal to 33614. Using another free program of mine, DRAWINDEX.EXE, wecan see the indexes of every combination in CDEX.49. Lotto-6 Draw Lexicographical Order File: CDEX.49 Date: 04-28-2003 Game Type: 49 / 6 Total Combinations: 13,983,816----------------------------------------------------------------------- Line D R A W Lexicographical no. Order----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1: 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2: 1 2 5 11 15 47 33,615 3: 1 2 8 10 11 25 67,229 4: 1 2 11 20 39 41 100,843 5: 1 2 16 22 38 41 134,457 6: 1 2 26 28 34 45 168,071 7: 1 3 5 19 39 40 201,685 8: 1 3 8 17 42 49 235,299 9: 1 3 12 14 39 47 268,913 10: 1 3 17 22 32 47 302,527 11: 1 3 29 33 46 48 336,141 12: 1 4 7 11 20 31 369,755 13: 1 4 10 18 20 25 403,369 14: 1 4 14 29 38 42 436,983 15: 1 4 22 24 35 42 470,597 16: 1 5 7 9 26 27 504,211 17: 1 5 10 15 27 44 537,825 18: 1 5 14 24 29 42 571,439 19: 1 5 21 32 36 39 605,053 20: 1 6 8 10 13 49 638,667 21: 1 6 11 21 23 40 672,281 22: 1 6 16 23 25 34 705,895 23: 1 6 26 28 44 47 739,509 24: 1 7 10 15 25 47 773,123 25: 1 7 14 24 27 41 806,737 26: 1 7 21 32 33 39 840,351 27: 1 8 10 14 32 40 873,965 28: 1 8 14 22 40 43 907,579 29: 1 8 21 29 35 42 941,193 30: 1 9 11 16 28 41 974,807 31: 1 9 16 18 19 24 1,008,421 32: 1 9 25 27 35 45 1,042,035 33: 1 10 13 26 28 37 1,075,649 34: 1 10 20 21 26 45 1,109,263 35: 1 11 12 28 34 44 1,142,877 36: 1 11 18 24 34 48 1,176,491 37: 1 11 39 42 44 47 1,210,105 38: 1 12 18 29 36 44 1,243,719 39: 1 13 14 16 31 39 1,277,333 40: 1 13 20 33 39 40 1,310,947 41: 1 14 16 25 31 35 1,344,561 42: 1 14 26 33 36 45 1,378,175 43: 1 15 21 26 44 46 1,411,789 44: 1 16 19 25 32 49 1,445,403 45: 1 17 18 35 36 45 1,479,017 46: 1 18 19 24 38 47 1,512,631 47: 1 19 21 22 31 49 1,546,245 48: 1 20 24 30 37 44 1,579,859 49: 1 21 37 41 48 49 1,613,473 50: 1 24 25 28 33 38 1,647,087 51: 1 27 29 35 38 44 1,680,701 52: 2 3 4 7 12 16 1,714,315 53: 2 3 6 19 36 37 1,747,929 54: 2 3 9 24 26 46 1,781,543 55: 2 3 13 28 35 43 1,815,157 56: 2 3 20 22 40 43 1,848,771 57: 2 4 5 15 22 36 1,882,385 58: 2 4 8 13 37 40 1,915,999 59: 2 4 11 30 36 40 1,949,613 60: 2 4 16 36 39 43 1,983,227 61: 2 4 27 36 40 43 2,016,841 62: 2 5 8 11 37 41 2,050,455 63: 2 5 11 24 39 43 2,084,069 64: 2 5 16 27 35 48 2,117,683 65: 2 5 26 41 42 43 2,151,297 66: 2 6 9 13 29 35 2,184,911 67: 2 6 13 15 27 49 2,218,525 68: 2 6 18 42 45 49 2,252,139 69: 2 7 8 11 34 38 2,285,753 70: 2 7 11 24 35 47 2,319,367 71: 2 7 16 27 33 35 2,352,981 72: 2 7 26 39 46 47 2,386,595 73: 2 8 11 23 28 38 2,420,209 74: 2 8 16 25 36 49 2,453,823 75: 2 8 26 34 35 42 2,487,437 76: 2 9 12 30 31 32 2,521,051 77: 2 9 18 25 36 46 2,554,665 78: 2 10 11 12 14 22 2,588,279 79: 2 10 15 25 29 46 2,621,893 80: 2 10 23 43 45 46 2,655,507 81: 2 11 14 23 28 39 2,689,121 82: 2 11 21 30 33 47 2,722,735 83: 2 12 14 27 35 43 2,756,349 84: 2 12 22 23 27 47 2,789,963 85: 2 13 16 18 26 43 2,823,577 86: 2 13 25 28 35 36 2,857,191 87: 2 14 19 21 33 44 2,890,805 88: 2 15 16 23 39 46 2,924,419 89: 2 15 26 30 33 39 2,958,033 90: 2 16 23 24 44 49 2,991,647 91: 2 17 22 25 41 45 3,025,261 92: 2 18 23 24 29 32 3,058,875 93: 2 19 25 33 38 42 3,092,489 94: 2 20 34 43 48 49 3,126,103 95: 2 22 29 31 33 34 3,159,717 96: 2 25 26 27 44 46 3,193,331 97: 2 29 31 32 39 40 3,226,945 98: 3 4 6 8 14 35 3,260,559 99: 3 4 9 10 16 41 3,294,173 100: 3 4 12 28 37 39 3,327,787 101: 3 4 18 24 37 43 3,361,401 102: 3 4 39 44 46 49 3,395,015 103: 3 5 8 30 33 48 3,428,629 104: 3 5 12 23 35 39 3,462,243 105: 3 5 18 20 44 46 3,495,857 106: 3 5 34 39 41 44 3,529,471 107: 3 6 10 11 14 17 3,563,085 108: 3 6 14 17 21 47 3,596,699 109: 3 6 20 36 39 45 3,630,313 110: 3 7 8 30 31 39 3,663,927 111: 3 7 12 23 32 42 3,697,541 112: 3 7 18 20 38 49 3,731,155 113: 3 7 34 38 41 47 3,764,769 114: 3 8 12 22 27 34 3,798,383 115: 3 8 18 19 37 38 3,831,997 116: 3 8 33 38 46 49 3,865,611 117: 3 9 13 31 40 42 3,899,225 118: 3 9 20 24 35 41 3,932,839 119: 3 10 11 30 46 49 3,966,453 120: 3 10 16 37 41 44 4,000,067 121: 3 10 27 37 42 46 4,033,681 122: 3 11 15 28 39 40 4,067,295 123: 3 11 24 28 31 36 4,100,909 124: 3 12 15 38 40 49 4,134,523 125: 3 12 24 36 42 43 4,168,137 126: 3 13 17 25 26 32 4,201,751 127: 3 13 30 32 36 43 4,235,365 128: 3 14 21 23 24 38 4,268,979 129: 3 15 17 38 42 47 4,302,593 130: 3 15 32 39 41 43 4,336,207 131: 3 16 26 30 43 48 4,369,821 132: 3 17 25 27 43 44 4,403,435 133: 3 18 26 29 40 43 4,437,049 134: 3 19 31 32 36 39 4,470,663 135: 3 21 24 26 43 45 4,504,277 136: 3 23 24 33 34 38 4,537,891 137: 3 25 32 33 39 46 4,571,505 138: 3 30 39 42 46 47 4,605,119 139: 4 5 7 25 38 43 4,638,733 140: 4 5 11 14 40 44 4,672,347 141: 4 5 15 35 39 47 4,705,961 142: 4 5 24 34 37 47 4,739,575 143: 4 6 8 27 31 43 4,773,189 144: 4 6 12 21 41 43 4,806,803 145: 4 6 18 19 28 43 4,840,417 146: 4 6 33 36 42 49 4,874,031 147: 4 7 11 14 36 44 4,907,645 148: 4 7 15 35 36 38 4,941,259 149: 4 7 24 33 46 47 4,974,873 150: 4 8 11 14 17 34 5,008,487 151: 4 8 15 31 38 39 5,042,101 152: 4 8 24 30 42 46 5,075,715 153: 4 9 12 17 20 41 5,109,329 154: 4 9 17 26 37 41 5,142,943 155: 4 9 30 36 41 48 5,176,557 156: 4 10 14 34 44 46 5,210,171 157: 4 10 22 27 33 45 5,243,785 158: 4 11 13 34 38 49 5,277,399 159: 4 11 20 25 42 44 5,311,013 160: 4 12 14 16 20 39 5,344,627 161: 4 12 20 31 39 43 5,378,241 162: 4 13 15 21 26 45 5,411,855 163: 4 13 23 28 43 49 5,445,469 164: 4 14 18 21 24 49 5,479,083 165: 4 14 34 41 45 49 5,512,697 166: 4 15 24 28 29 30 5,546,311 167: 4 16 21 30 39 43 5,579,925 168: 4 17 20 40 45 49 5,613,539 169: 4 18 21 29 37 38 5,647,153 170: 4 19 23 34 36 49 5,680,767 171: 4 20 29 32 35 45 5,714,381 172: 4 22 26 29 40 49 5,747,995 173: 4 24 30 39 42 49 5,781,609 174: 4 28 31 39 46 48 5,815,223 175: 5 6 7 28 37 46 5,848,837 176: 5 6 11 16 19 40 5,882,451 177: 5 6 16 17 28 38 5,916,065 178: 5 6 25 26 36 37 5,949,679 179: 5 7 10 11 34 38 5,983,293 180: 5 7 14 18 23 40 6,016,907 181: 5 7 21 22 30 45 6,050,521 182: 5 8 10 11 16 33 6,084,135 183: 5 8 14 17 25 28 6,117,749 184: 5 8 20 37 41 45 6,151,363 185: 5 9 11 12 29 45 6,184,977 186: 5 9 15 26 43 46 6,218,591 187: 5 9 24 26 33 39 6,252,205 188: 5 10 13 19 28 36 6,285,819 189: 5 10 19 25 32 40 6,319,433 190: 5 11 12 20 37 39 6,353,047 191: 5 11 17 38 40 49 6,386,661 192: 5 11 32 38 47 48 6,420,275 193: 5 12 18 21 27 43 6,453,889 194: 5 12 35 36 37 38 6,487,503 195: 5 13 20 23 24 45 6,521,117 196: 5 14 16 19 20 34 6,554,731 197: 5 14 25 29 42 49 6,588,345 198: 5 15 20 32 34 36 6,621,959 199: 5 16 18 35 42 44 6,655,573 200: 5 17 18 23 32 49 6,689,187 201: 5 17 37 40 45 47 6,722,801 202: 5 19 20 25 37 47 6,756,415 203: 5 20 23 30 38 43 6,790,029 204: 5 21 32 34 45 49 6,823,643 205: 5 23 34 36 37 39 6,857,257 206: 5 26 39 43 44 45 6,890,871 207: 5 39 43 44 47 48 6,924,485 208: 6 7 11 18 25 40 6,958,099 209: 6 7 16 19 47 49 6,991,713 210: 6 7 25 32 38 43 7,025,327 211: 6 8 11 17 27 32 7,058,941 212: 6 8 16 19 20 26 7,092,555 213: 6 8 25 29 41 48 7,126,169 214: 6 9 12 21 27 30 7,159,783 215: 6 9 18 19 20 23 7,193,397 216: 6 9 33 34 37 47 7,227,011 217: 6 10 15 18 34 45 7,260,625 218: 6 10 23 24 34 38 7,294,239 219: 6 11 14 17 27 33 7,327,853 220: 6 11 20 38 40 48 7,361,467 221: 6 12 14 20 22 30 7,395,081 222: 6 12 21 25 26 31 7,428,695 223: 6 13 15 27 32 40 7,462,309 224: 6 13 24 26 42 44 7,495,923 225: 6 14 18 27 30 32 7,529,537 226: 6 15 16 17 37 40 7,563,151 227: 6 15 25 27 30 45 7,596,765 228: 6 16 22 25 37 42 7,630,379 229: 6 17 21 28 30 32 7,663,993 230: 6 18 22 25 26 32 7,697,607 231: 6 19 24 30 43 48 7,731,221 232: 6 20 31 32 41 45 7,764,835 233: 6 22 27 31 39 42 7,798,449 234: 6 24 33 36 38 41 7,832,063 235: 6 28 35 36 39 45 7,865,677 236: 7 8 10 14 16 32 7,899,291 237: 7 8 14 21 35 49 7,932,905 238: 7 8 21 27 35 42 7,966,519 239: 7 9 11 15 36 37 8,000,133 240: 7 9 16 17 21 32 8,033,747 241: 7 9 24 44 47 49 8,067,361 242: 7 10 13 24 35 47 8,100,975 243: 7 10 19 37 38 45 8,134,589 244: 7 11 12 26 37 46 8,168,203 245: 7 11 18 23 29 33 8,201,817 246: 7 11 37 39 40 43 8,235,431 247: 7 12 18 27 36 44 8,269,045 248: 7 13 14 15 41 42 8,302,659 249: 7 13 20 30 39 49 8,336,273 250: 7 14 16 24 25 34 8,369,887 251: 7 14 26 30 37 42 8,403,501 252: 7 15 21 25 31 42 8,437,115 253: 7 16 19 24 26 42 8,470,729 254: 7 17 18 31 41 47 8,504,343 255: 7 18 19 23 31 45 8,537,957 256: 7 19 20 38 40 48 8,571,571 257: 7 20 24 28 34 44 8,605,185 258: 7 21 36 37 43 48 8,638,799 259: 7 24 25 26 36 37 8,672,413 260: 7 27 29 31 45 47 8,706,027 261: 8 9 10 13 21 39 8,739,641 262: 8 9 14 20 32 34 8,773,255 263: 8 9 21 25 39 42 8,806,869 264: 8 10 12 17 30 37 8,840,483 265: 8 10 17 27 37 41 8,874,097 266: 8 10 30 40 48 49 8,907,711 267: 8 11 16 22 24 33 8,941,325 268: 8 11 26 27 32 33 8,974,939 269: 8 12 16 25 41 43 9,008,553 270: 8 12 26 34 39 40 9,042,167 271: 8 13 18 22 26 37 9,075,781 272: 8 13 35 42 46 47 9,109,395 273: 8 14 22 25 28 46 9,143,009 274: 8 15 18 30 34 39 9,176,623 275: 8 16 17 20 27 39 9,210,237 276: 8 16 28 37 40 49 9,243,851 277: 8 17 27 29 33 37 9,277,465 278: 8 18 28 35 36 38 9,311,079 279: 8 19 39 44 45 46 9,344,693 280: 8 21 25 38 39 44 9,378,307 281: 8 23 26 31 38 48 9,411,921 282: 8 26 27 31 34 41 9,445,535 283: 8 32 33 37 39 43 9,479,149 284: 9 10 14 18 38 43 9,512,763 285: 9 10 21 23 28 32 9,546,377 286: 9 11 13 18 35 37 9,579,991 287: 9 11 19 24 30 36 9,613,605 288: 9 12 13 21 32 46 9,647,219 289: 9 12 19 29 31 41 9,680,833 290: 9 13 14 27 35 43 9,714,447 291: 9 13 22 23 27 47 9,748,061 292: 9 14 17 22 27 36 9,781,675 293: 9 14 29 33 34 44 9,815,289 294: 9 15 22 32 39 47 9,848,903 295: 9 16 20 26 38 43 9,882,517 296: 9 17 19 34 37 46 9,916,131 297: 9 18 20 25 46 47 9,949,745 298: 9 19 22 26 27 30 9,983,359 299: 9 20 26 31 40 48 10,016,973 300: 9 22 24 28 32 46 10,050,587 301: 9 24 27 32 34 44 10,084,201 302: 9 27 35 36 48 49 10,117,815 303: 10 11 12 26 45 49 10,151,429 304: 10 11 18 23 32 42 10,185,043 305: 10 11 37 40 43 49 10,218,657 306: 10 12 18 27 43 44 10,252,271 307: 10 13 14 16 17 45 10,285,885 308: 10 13 20 31 33 34 10,319,499 309: 10 14 16 24 28 31 10,353,113 310: 10 14 26 30 44 49 10,386,727 311: 10 15 21 25 35 43 10,420,341 312: 10 16 19 24 29 42 10,453,955 313: 10 17 18 32 35 37 10,487,569 314: 10 18 19 23 35 46 10,521,183 315: 10 19 20 39 43 45 10,554,797 316: 10 20 24 28 39 47 10,588,411 317: 10 21 36 38 45 47 10,622,025 318: 10 24 25 26 42 43 10,655,639 319: 10 27 29 32 36 46 10,689,253 320: 11 12 13 16 44 49 10,722,867 321: 11 12 19 21 37 39 10,756,481 322: 11 13 14 20 41 43 10,790,095 323: 11 13 21 26 30 32 10,823,709 324: 11 14 16 37 40 45 10,857,323 325: 11 14 27 37 41 46 10,890,937 326: 11 15 22 23 30 42 10,924,551 327: 11 16 19 37 45 46 10,958,165 328: 11 17 19 24 26 27 10,991,779 329: 11 18 19 35 38 42 11,025,393 330: 11 19 21 29 45 48 11,059,007 331: 11 20 25 30 31 38 11,092,621 332: 11 22 23 29 36 47 11,126,235 333: 11 24 26 29 31 41 11,159,849 334: 11 27 31 37 38 46 11,193,463 335: 12 13 14 23 46 49 11,227,077 336: 12 13 21 31 38 46 11,260,691 337: 12 14 17 19 37 40 11,294,305 338: 12 14 28 34 40 44 11,327,919 339: 12 15 22 27 31 49 11,361,533 340: 12 16 20 23 29 41 11,395,147 341: 12 17 19 28 31 42 11,428,761 342: 12 18 20 22 37 45 11,462,375 343: 12 19 21 41 45 49 11,495,989 344: 12 20 25 42 44 46 11,529,603 345: 12 22 23 39 43 49 11,563,217 346: 12 24 26 38 39 43 11,596,831 347: 12 27 33 35 37 46 11,630,445 348: 13 14 15 31 32 44 11,664,059 349: 13 14 24 3


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